Lessons & Locations.
We are so lucky to live in The Hague with it’s beautiful buildings, parks and beaches. Throughout the year you can join me for the following lessons at several amazing locations: The Barthkapel, a beautiful chapel in the centre of The Hague, hosts my group activities. My private and teacher-mentor sessions take place at my home studio. I also have a new online virtual yoga studio opening in January for members only.
“I don’t teach yoga. I teach people.”
That’s what I always want to answer, when someone asks what kind of yoga I teach. I love helping people understand their bodies better, and teaching how to move in a safe, effective and playful way. I strike a balance between softness, strength and mobility and offer alternatives, so that everyone has the sense of receiving individual attention and care.
My lessons are an eclectic mix of vinyasa, tantra and yin. Alignment-based hatha yoga is at the core of my teaching. This means that embodiment practices will always be central and the gateway into feeling happy and well-balanced.
No two lessons are the same yet each will have a point of softening, movement and core work and a theme with a deeper philosophical focus. I’m totally influenced by the wisdom of nature, letting the seasons determine the curriculum.
I teach about shadow and light, uniqueness and ordinariness, feeling fantastic and feeling like shit, about life as it is, and not as we want it to be. After all, yoga isn’t just about moving our bodies into shapes. It has to be about losing our mind-fuck stories too, so we can come home to who we really are.
in the Chapel
My dream has been full-filled! The most beautiful chapel in the centre of the Hague with under-floor heating and a garden is the location for my group classes.
Here I teach multi-level, theme-based hatha yoga lessons and in depth workshops and retreats.
I teach online group and private lessons on Facebook live stream Jacqui Sunshine on-line yoga and Zoom too! I also offer free lessons on our (private) FB Community Group.
Practicing and connecting online can be empowering and a great support during these mad-dog-days!!
Private lessons are taught by appointment at my home studio (or through Zoom), where you can enjoy a tailor-made lesson or program to meet your unique requirements.
Single lessons and longer programmes are offered to enhance or maintain your well-being.
at the Park
As the days get longer and warmer some of our lessons will be taught in the urban park “De Verademing”.
Here we can be immersed in the fresh tree prana and enjoy nature’s beautiful soundtrack.
on the Beach
One of the joys of summer is that we can head off to the Zuiderstrand for our weekly maintenance.
Nothing like breathing with the ebb and the flow of the waves to deepen our connection to nature and ourselves.